how to fix issues after hiring an unlicensed company

How to fix issues after hiring an unlicensed company

Desperation. Fear of further damage. Concern of your well-being. Trust in believing people want to help.

After a storm, many people come to town to prey on victims of storms. Many do not have the proper licenses to perform the work. And many times, homeowners do not understand who they need to hire- until it is too late.

Why hire a licensed contractor?

  • Florida builds to the Miami Dade code. Roofs in Florida are different than roofs up north.
  • This code has been tested to protect homes for future storms.
  • Unlicensed companies cannot pull a permit, which means no one is inspecting the roof to ensure it is being built to the current code
  • We saw during Hurricane Charley, unlicensed companies coming to town, taking down-payments and leaving.
  • If an unlicensed company is hired, insurance companies may not pay, or reimburse for any payments.
  • Not pulling correct permits will cost more on future insurance.
  • Not hiring a licensed contractor can prevent the future sale of a home.
  • Having a roof put on by an unlicensed company can cancel insurance on a home.
  • It’s the law.


What can I do if I had work completed by a company and they are not licensed?

  • On September 24th Florida Governor declared a state of emergency for our community This state of emergency was extended through 1/23/23. This state of emergency states it is a felony for someone to perform work without a license. If you are contacted by someone who will not provide a Florida contractor license, please call your local law enforcement office.
  • Depending on the work that is completed, you may be able to follow the following steps:
  • Contact an engineering company. They may be able to provide an engineering report, and blueprints needed for a permit.
  • Contact a Florida Licensed Contractor that can pull an after the fact permit.
  • Note- as a homeowner you are able to apply for a permit. You will need to make sure you have the documentation your local building department requires.
  • Florida law also states that if you pull an owner-builder permit, you cannot sell your home for one year from the time of permit.

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